बुद्धिमता चाचणी - संख्या मालिका, संम संबंध , विसंगत घटक, चुकीचे पद, अक्षर मालिका, विसंगत वर्णगट, लयबध्द अक्षररचना, सांकेतिक भाषा, सांकेतिक लिपी, सांगत शब्द, माहितीचे पृथकरण, दिशा कालमापन दिनदर्शिका This test measures the numerical ability and accuracy in mathematical calculations. The questions range from purely numeric calculations to problems of arithmetic reasoning, Compound and simple Interests, Percentage, Logarithms, Volumes and Areas, Discounts and quantitative analysis. Quantitative aptitude questions are useful in exams like Bank Competitive Exams, L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams, Railway Competitive Exam, University Grants Commission (UGC) and Maharashtra Government Exams etc.
बुद्धिमता चाचणी - संख्या मालिका, संम संबंध , विसंगत घटक, चुकीचे पद, अक्षर मालिका, विसंगत वर्णगट, लयबध्द अक्षररचना, सांकेतिक भाषा, सांकेतिक लिपी, सांगत शब्द, माहितीचे पृथकरण, दिशा कालमापन दिनदर्शिका This test measures the numerical ability and accuracy in mathematical calculations. The questions range from purely numeric calculations to problems of arithmetic reasoning, Compound and simple Interests, Percentage, Logarithms, Volumes and Areas, Discounts and quantitative analysis. Quantitative aptitude questions are useful in exams like Bank Competitive Exams, L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams, Railway Competitive Exam, University Grants Commission (UGC) and Maharashtra Government Exams etc.