
LAW CET 2016 for three year and five year LLB courses

LAW CET 2016 LLB Courses

Till date, admissions to law colleges were conducted at the institute-level on the basis of XII (HSC) marks (for the five-year LLB programme) and scores in the final-year undergraduate course (for the three-year LLB programme). From year 2016 Maharashtra state will be conducting first ever common entrance test (CET) for three and five year law programme. All private and government colleges will have to admit students only through centralised system.

Tentative date of CET for LLB (3 Year) and LLB (5 Year) is 22nd May 2016.

DMER Official Link for 2016 LLB CET Timetable Notification

Schedule for First MAH-LAW CET declared by notification dated 13th Apr 2016 and details are as follows.
* Receipt of Application form starts from 10th May 2016 and Last date for form submission is 23rd May 2016.
* Admit Card will be available from 6th Jun 2016.
* MAH-LAW CET (5 Year) Exam date is 18th Jun 2016
* MAH-LAW CET (3 Year) Exam date is 19th Jun 2016

# Updated on 21/04/2016 Please check http://www.dmer.org for updates

Languages for examination: Marathi and English

CET Pattern:

Exam will have 150 multiple choice questions having 1 mark each and exam duration of 2 hours. There will be no negative marking, which is big relief for aspirants. And highlights are as follows

  • 150 Questions
  • 1 Mark for each question
  • Duration 2 hours
  • No Negative Marking

Subjects for 2016 CET of LL.B

Three year LL.B Course CET subjects are as follows:

Sr. No. Subject Marks
1 Legal Aptitude 30 Marks
2 General Knowledge with current affairs 40 Marks
3 Logical and Analytical Reasoning 30 Marks
4 English 50 Marks
Total 150 Marks

Five year LL.B Course CET subjects are as follows:

Sr. No. Subject Marks
1 Legal Aptitude 40 Marks
2 General Knowledge with current affairs 30 Marks
3 Logical Reasoning 40 Marks
4 English 30 Marks
5 Basic Mathematics 10 Marks
Total 150 Marks


Detailed syllabus and topics in each subject is given as below.

Legal Aptitude: This subject will test candidate interest towards study of Law, research aptitude and problem solving ability. Questions will be framed with legal proposition and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be true in the real sense, candidates will have to assume truth of these propositions and answer the questions drawing well support conclusions.

General Knowledge with Current affairs: The topic such as History, Geography, General Science, Economics, Civics, Current Affairs of past one year. The subject is to assess the knowledge of recent happening and awareness of the world.

Logical Reasoning: This subject is to test the candidate’s ability to identity patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, completing arguments, drawing well supported conclusions, reasoning by analogy, applying principles or rules.

Analytical Reasoning: The subject is to measure the ability to understand the structure of relationship and to draw logical conclusion about the structure. It includes reasoning deductive from a set of statements and rules or principles that describes the relationship among persons, things or events.

English: Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, analogies etc.) proficiency (idioms and phrases, one word substitutions, sentence improvement and rearrangement, fill in the blanks etc.) English usage errors, (Common Errors, Spotting Errors, inappropriate usages of words, spelling mistakes etc.) English Comprehension.

Basic Mathematics: This section is to test the numerical ability of candidates. The mathematics questions will be set 10th level, of various topics including Profit & Loss, Speed and Distance, Time & Work, Algebra, Average, Venn diagram.

DMER Official Link for 2016 LLB CET Syllabus

LAW CET 2016 Practice Test

Labels:law entrance, cet exam, llb entrance exam, lawcet, law entrance exam 2016, Law CET exam 2016

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(151) Comments:
V  VITTHAL SAHEBRAO SHELKE Commented On: 18-Oct-2019

Resected sir,I want my cap round latter cet of 2016 ...because I need for my scholarship form,for LL.B 3 year (3rd round-dr.Ambedkar law college .Aurangabad) plz send :vitthalshelke07@gmail.com..(3year degree course LL.B cet 2016)

V  VANDANA Commented On: 25-Dec-2017

Sir, Could you please tell me about CLAT course?

S  SANDIP TERVE Commented On: 19-May-2017

What is the passing mark for MAH LAW CET 5 year out of 150 marks?

H  HARISH Commented On: 04-May-2017

What is the passing mark for MAH LAW CET 5 year out of 150 marks?

J  JAYWANT D. Commented On: 23-Apr-2017

What is the passing mark for MAH LAW CET out of 150 marks?

S  SALMAN TAWAR Commented On: 14-Apr-2017

Which date is Fix for the LLB CET 2017

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 27-Mar-2017

@Kavita, 25 Apr is last date for filling form, please visit exams section for details on LLB LAW CET 2017 schedule (Tentative)

K  KISHOR SALVE Commented On: 24-Mar-2017

Please advise Marathi clat 2017 5 year's book

R  RAMESH MANGELA. Commented On: 23-Mar-2017


K  KAVITA KADAM Commented On: 21-Mar-2017

Can we do llb in Marathi. What is the last date for online application for LLB 3 years course.

A  ARCHANA SONKUSALE Commented On: 13-Feb-2017

Can we do llb in Marathi.

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 28-Sep-2016

@Darshi, There are following LAW entrance tests conducted
CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) for 17 prominent National Law Universities in India ,
AILET (All India Law Entrance Test) for National Law University Delhi,
MH-CET for LAW for LLB admissions in Maharashtra

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 28-Sep-2016

@Aparna, Creamy Layer certificated is required for candidates who are getting LAW admission in OBC Quota.

A  APARNA Commented On: 21-Sep-2016

What does non creamy layer means???? Is it necessary or compulsory for all students taking admision in law.......

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 31-Aug-2016

Dear Students,
LAW College Option Form filling date is not yet declared. Please check official website for updates.

D  DARSHI SHAH Commented On: 29-Aug-2016

I want to know how many total exams are there to study law

A  ATUL MADHAV PAWAR Commented On: 15-Aug-2016

sir how many mark i got to satisfy in goverment collegein any dist

G  GANESH Commented On: 10-Aug-2016

I secured below 45% in my grsduation degree but in my post graduation degree I secured 55% marks. Can I appear for the MH-CET Law test.

A  AMAN Commented On: 09-Aug-2016

I have completed the registration for 5 years LLB. I am an OBC candidate from UP. In my admit card my social category was clearly mentioned OBC, but after registration its written 'open' in the category column of the application form. why is that? And also in the home university column its mentioned 'Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth' What is that?

D  DHEERAJ Commented On: 09-Aug-2016

How many candidate are given 5 year llb exam in Mumbai only

S  SHUBHAM BHALERAO Commented On: 09-Aug-2016

Sir can get any govt college for 5 yes llb, my cet score is 52 and caste is NT- B..

A  AADARSH Commented On: 07-Aug-2016

When the document verification process starts for llb 5 years course,after option form filling or before it?When final merit list is being published?

N  NITIN RATHOD Commented On: 05-Aug-2016

Can I admite for l l b 5yrs course

V  VASANT RATHOD Commented On: 05-Aug-2016

We can admite now for ll b 3yrs course

M  MANSI Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Do all cet students will get admission?

A  ARTI Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Sir wat vll cum in final merit list....if der is no verfiation for normal candidates students...

V  VARADA Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

how to fill the reservation for children of ex servicemen candiates, after completing the form before confirming it is not showing in the form.

A  ADI Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

I have filled in the Law 3 year form online but not uploaded any documents such as marksheet, minority certificate, etc Is my application form complete? I am unable to upload any of these documents as I have already confirmed by form.

R  ROSHNI Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Do admission will get to all who have gave cet?

M  MANDAR MULEY Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Hi, I have taken the application printout but I want to ask whether below part in declaration signature is appearing or we have to sign there?

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Dear All, Document Uploading process is only for NRI,OCI,PIO candidates looking for LLB Admission, Please check brochure for more details.

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Dear All, LLB College Option form will be available after declaration of Final Merit List i.e. 11 Aug 2016, Please check official website for more details

@  @GOPRACT Commented On: 04-Aug-2016

Dear All, Please read LLB brochure carefully for further steps and application filling, All the Best.

S  SUHASINI Commented On: 03-Aug-2016

in isc we take aggregate of oli 4 sub ...so over here wht shld i do i shld calculate oli 4 or all my subjects ..in isc board in calculating in 4 subject i m gtg 66.25% nd calculating in 6 sub its coming 50% as my maths was optional wht 2 do pls say ..i got 51 in cet 5 yrs open category ..wil i be able 2 get a good college pls say..

S  SHEEBA Commented On: 03-Aug-2016

when will d cap round start? application form filled? but whn will i fill d form for cap round? nd its written tht after filling the application form we have 2 go 2 facilation centre plsss tell....

A  ARTI Commented On: 03-Aug-2016

Plz tell wen is verification for normal candidates.. its showing verfication for nri,pio candidates

S  SANDEEP Commented On: 03-Aug-2016

I have filled in the Law 3 year form online but not uploaded any documents such as marksheet, minority certificate, etc Is my application form complete? I am unable to upload any of these documents as I have already confirmed by form.

A  ATIF Commented On: 03-Aug-2016

hello i filled the application form but the Option is not filling up the POP UP says ur are not eligible for the cap round 1,2,3. so may i the error. Please anyone can help me. i have scored 51 marks in cet.

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 02-Aug-2016

@Vishal, Admission process starts on 2 Aug 2016, Please check our article LAW admission process 2016 for more details.

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 02-Aug-2016

@Rashmi, FC for document verification is 'Government Law College, A Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020'

R  RASHMI Commented On: 02-Aug-2016

what are the FC centres for document verfication for 3 yr llb???

V  VISHAL Commented On: 02-Aug-2016

Anybody knw the admission procees

A  AJ Commented On: 26-Jul-2016

when we will be able to download the law cet cap brouchere? and when wil the process start?

R  RAHUL KUMAR Commented On: 25-Jul-2016

Sir can u plzz tell me which colleges are participating in mh cet law 5 years

V  VISHWAJEET Commented On: 22-Jul-2016

Sir Pleas send list ofcolleges rajistered for mhcet law enterence

N  NIKHIL Commented On: 18-Jul-2016

I have not given cet is there any chance of getting admission for 3 years llb

N  NIKHIL GARG Commented On: 17-Jul-2016

sir i got 70 marks in 5 year law mhtcet exam will i get any good govt. college and what will be rank on 70

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 16-Jul-2016

@Deepesh, As this was the first CET in Maharashtra there can be many more people who scored less than you. Please don’t miss the dates of CAP round and follow the admission process. Please check our article LAW admission process 2016 for more details.
Note: You may not be able to get admission to top colleges with this score.

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 16-Jul-2016

@Nilesh, Admission process starts on 22 July 2016, Please check our article LAW admission process 2016 for more details.

D  DEEPESH Commented On: 15-Jul-2016

i have got 44 marks in LLB 3 year CET will i get admission in the college or there was the criteria of some passing marks.

N  NILESH Commented On: 15-Jul-2016

i have pass law cet exam . whats the procedure for admission

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 14-Jul-2016

@Pranali, Admission process starts on 22 July 2016, Please check our article LAW admission process 2016 for more details.

P  PRANJALI Commented On: 14-Jul-2016

What is the last date for online application for LLB 3 years course. Is it 15th july or the the admission process begins from 22nd of July? Highly confused. Please help

S  SAMAR Commented On: 12-Jul-2016

There are only 15% seats for all india students, maharashtra students get more preference so bro if you want to take a chance, you can, i feel 118 is good enough to get it.... I've got 97, i am applying through maharashtra candidature and also sports quota...... see you in glc, if you opt for it.....

V  VINIT KAMDAR Commented On: 12-Jul-2016

i got 118 marks in llb in 5yrs can iget in glc

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 11-Jul-2016

@RD Savant, There is no cut off marks as such your admission will be based on your score and ranking. Admission process is starting on 22 July 2016. Please check our article about LAW Admission process for more details

R  RD SAVANT Commented On: 11-Jul-2016

Hey can you tell me what is cutoff marks for mhcet law 3 years

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 10-Jul-2016

Dear Student,
Please visit LLB Admission process 2016 for registration details. The Stage 1 is already started from 8th Jul 2016 and Stage 3 i.e. Brouchers will be available for download on 22nd Jul 2016, so please read our article and be ready for admission procedure starting from 22nd Jul 2016.

Y  YASHIKA Commented On: 10-Jul-2016

i want to knw regrding the registration process with the collges.. pls tel

N  NEELAM BAHLANI Commented On: 09-Jul-2016

Why this cet cretria has arrived most of the students are not knowing abt this. .. how we can take admission in llb now plzzz tell

T  TEJASWINI Commented On: 08-Jul-2016

I got 59 marks in mh-cet 3 yr law n in graduation i scored 70%so can i u tell me the procedure for llb 3yrs clg

K  KUNAL RAI Commented On: 08-Jul-2016

I got 76marks in cet law can u describe me the procedure for admission in clg

P  PREETI Commented On: 07-Jul-2016

How much marks required for pass cet exam?

R  RIYA Commented On: 07-Jul-2016

When does the procedure starts? there are no details about it!

S  SAMAR Commented On: 07-Jul-2016

this exam measures real knowledge..... reasoning..... so no one can mug up and do well.... finally there is something better than CBSE, which only measures memorising power of students.....

S  SAMAR Commented On: 07-Jul-2016

I got 97 in 5 year law CET..... that too without studying

K  KANCHAN Commented On: 06-Jul-2016

What after passing the cet? What is the next procedure for admission?

Z  ZAKIR MESTHRI Commented On: 05-Jul-2016


V  VIKRANT PARAB Commented On: 05-Jul-2016

I have passed cet exam what is the admission procedure for 3 years law plz help.

A  ANKUSH POHARKAR Commented On: 03-Jul-2016

what is passing mark fot llb cet exam.....

K  KRITIKA BUDHWANI Commented On: 03-Jul-2016

Sir I was not appeared in law cet exam due to some reason ,but I want to admission in llb,can I,

S  SAKSHI Commented On: 02-Jul-2016

Cet passing marks

S  SARANG KIWALE Commented On: 02-Jul-2016

Plz display the merit list of llb 3 years course 2016

S  SARANG KIWALE Commented On: 02-Jul-2016

Merit list of llb 3 years course

H  HIMANSHU SINGH Commented On: 02-Jul-2016

I have got 77 marks, and I have no idea what next to do.... If any one knows and have any idea about what next to do then please reply me on singhhimanshu314@gmail.com

A  AVI Commented On: 02-Jul-2016

50 for open, 40 for reserved. @vishal

M  MEGHANK Commented On: 01-Jul-2016

50 marks is compulsory for law cet for open cat and 40 for minority

A  ANAMIKA DESAI Commented On: 01-Jul-2016


S  SANA Commented On: 30-Jun-2016

I have got 55 marks in cet can you say the procedure fr admission in clgs

R  RAVICHANDRA SHINDE Commented On: 30-Jun-2016

I am the MH CET passed in pcm subject ...can i aplicabal your l l b cource.

V  VISHAL Commented On: 30-Jun-2016

How much marks required for pass cet exam?

G  GARIMA Commented On: 30-Jun-2016

Mh CET passing mark

G  GARIMA Commented On: 30-Jun-2016

How much passing mark required for cet

N  NANISH WADHWA Commented On: 30-Jun-2016

Is CET exam compulsary for ll.b

S  SANDHYA Commented On: 29-Jun-2016

How mark required for passing mh cet law

K  KANCHAN Commented On: 29-Jun-2016

What is passing mark for llb cet

Y  YOGITA Commented On: 29-Jun-2016

how much passing marks required for passing LAW CET

Y  YOGITA Commented On: 29-Jun-2016

how much marks required for passing CET

V  VIVEK Commented On: 23-Jun-2016

What about the answer key of paper held on 18 june

S  SHANTANU GUPTA Commented On: 19-Jun-2016

How many seats for general category outside the Maharashtra

S  SHANTANU GUPTA Commented On: 19-Jun-2016

How many seats for general category outside the Maharashtra

S  SHANTANU GUPTA Commented On: 19-Jun-2016

What about answer key for exam held on 18 June 2016

R  RITU NAG Commented On: 18-Jun-2016

I would like to know which law colleges are covered under MH CET exam for 5 year BA LLB course?

S  SIKANDAR Commented On: 17-Jun-2016


Y  YOGESH SINGAL Commented On: 17-Jun-2016

Yes..help for practice...

D  DESHMUKH NIRANJAN Commented On: 16-Jun-2016


R  RAGHU Commented On: 14-Jun-2016

Do u have an idea of the total no. of students giving this exam? And also the no. of seats for general category students outside maharashtra in glc mumbai and ils pune?

D  DHANANJAY PATIL Commented On: 13-Jun-2016

Very nice and deep study test. Same can be used for other exams

N  NAMITA Commented On: 11-Jun-2016


G  GOPRACT Commented On: 11-Jun-2016

@Ninad, Please visit http://dhepune.gov.in/bed.html for downloading hall ticket for Law CET

S  SANDEEP KAWALE Commented On: 11-Jun-2016

Fabulous sit

N  NINAD MADHUKAR VAIDYA Commented On: 10-Jun-2016

Hall Tickit

H  HARISH PENDHARKAT Commented On: 10-Jun-2016

Thanx sir.....new idea inform for student

J  JOHN Commented On: 10-Jun-2016


R  ROSHAN JADHAV Commented On: 06-Jun-2016

General mathas practice questions set

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 05-Jun-2016

Please check कशी करावी Law-CET ची तयारी for sample questions in marathi language for Law CET

M  MOHSIN PATEL Commented On: 05-Jun-2016

I want BLS cet book in marathi

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 31-May-2016

@Chandrakant, Highlights of Exam Pattern is as follows

  • 150 Questions
  • 1 Mark for each question
  • Duration 2 hours
  • No Negative Marking
Please refer Official Link

S  SUNIL KUKADE Commented On: 31-May-2016

Good for practice

C  CHANDRAKANT GUNVANTE Commented On: 31-May-2016

I want cet question pattern

R  RUNALI PATIL Commented On: 28-May-2016


V  VARSHA Commented On: 26-May-2016

its all right to get ready for exam bt will it really work to score in merit

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 21-May-2016

Please refer our article about books available for LLB CET. This year there are only reference books are available in Marathi. Will share list of reference books and due to high demand we are also preparing question bank and practice tests for Marathi LLB CET.

A  AJAY ROHANE Commented On: 21-May-2016

Plz llb cet book inf

V  VANMALA MUNDE Commented On: 20-May-2016


A  ASHMITA Commented On: 16-May-2016

Would the paper be based on CLAT? Also, is the GK going to be a lil Maharashtra-oriented?

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 16-May-2016

Minimum of 45% marks in aggregate. (Candidate belonging to SC and ST Category with minimum 40% marks).
For Eligibility and Requirements please check official notification link http://mhtcet2016.co.in/Eligibility%20and%20Requirements.pdf

A  ADITI CHAITANYA PORE Commented On: 16-May-2016

sir pz reply me fast i am waiting for ur reply

A  ADITI CHAITANYA PORE Commented On: 16-May-2016

sir i have 12 std 43% form mumbai university & i am repeted student b.com year2010 can i apply for LLB 3 YEAR OR 5 YEAR

A  ADITI DILIP KALE Commented On: 16-May-2016

I am repeter student of B.Com & I have 12th parsentage 43% can i apply for LLB 3 year or 5 year cource


appearing the enterence 2016 for LLBcet


taking & appearing enterence test for llb first Year

P  PANKAJ THORE Commented On: 15-May-2016

I have completed BA ...which book should I refer for all sections

S  SURAJ Commented On: 14-May-2016

Sir for 5 years llb which book to refer?

P  POOJA TAMBE Commented On: 14-May-2016

I have appeared for graduation exam in April, what should i fill in the graduate field..Appeared or Passed? Our scores are not declared yet! also I have cleared my CS-executive, should that be mentioned in the Other exams field?

P  POONAM KRISHNAT KADAM Commented On: 14-May-2016


L  LAVINA Commented On: 14-May-2016

for legal aptitude which books to refer in Marathi language please reply sir

A  AMISHREYA Commented On: 12-May-2016

is it true that all the centres of CET are distributed around maharashtra? and students living in other states thus will have to come to maharashtra, to give the exam?

P  PRAKASH V SAWANT Commented On: 12-May-2016

this exam is a no like

P  PREETI Commented On: 12-May-2016

I study commerce background which book I refer plz say me pls say sir.

D  DILIP SHANTARAM AMBRE Commented On: 12-May-2016

I want to complete my LL.B from Maharashtra State

S  SUSHIL Commented On: 11-May-2016

For MH CET exam which book to be refer

A  AYESHA GHOSH Commented On: 11-May-2016

Sir, I am facing trouble filling up the on-line form for CET 3 year LLB 2016. The Year in Date of Birth column is not RESPONSIVE. Thus I am unable to complete the procedure. Is anyone else having this issue? Any information on this?? Regards

S  SAHIL Commented On: 11-May-2016

which book to refer for mh cet law 3 year?

S  SAHIL Commented On: 11-May-2016

which are the reference book for MH cet Law 3year exam ?

A  ANIL BHOIR Commented On: 10-May-2016

pls send mi information about the cet exam ?

S  SANJANNA KHANVILKAR Commented On: 10-May-2016

plz rply fast

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 06-May-2016
S  SAKHI Commented On: 02-May-2016

Sir for 3 years llb which book to refer.? WHICH AUTHOR.?

P  PINKY YADAV Commented On: 28-Apr-2016

I study commerce background which book I refer plz say me

R  RIYA Commented On: 25-Apr-2016

Plz reply fast

R  RIYA Commented On: 25-Apr-2016

Thankuh sir..can uh tell me will be there a comprehension in english and which book should i refer for english?

P  PRATIKSHA Commented On: 25-Apr-2016

Thank uh so much sir..nd sir which book for english i should refer is there will be a passage and what type of que will come?

R  RIYA Commented On: 25-Apr-2016

Sir,can uh tell me in logical reasoning what is completing arguments,applying principal or rules.i dnt understand this topics can uh give me idea about it?and for english is there will be a comprehension and which book i refer for english? Is there clat book ok?or other book i refer for english?

A  AAROHI GHARAT Commented On: 21-Apr-2016

Sir,I am B.Com background.which books to refer in Marathi language plz reply

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 21-Apr-2016

@Pratiksha, You can use general knowledge books like
1- Manorama
2- Arihant Current Affairs
3- Competition Success monthly general knowledge small magazine

You can purchase online on amazon.in by visiting General Knowledge 2017 Arihant
You can also buy Legal Aptitude for the Clat and Other Law Entrance Examinations: A Workbook A complete study package for LLB exam is also available online. Study Package for Clat and Llb

P  PRATIKSHA Commented On: 17-Apr-2016

Sir,for current affairs and gk which book i refer?

K  KANCHAN Commented On: 12-Apr-2016

Which books refers for 3year cet exam

G  GOPRACT Commented On: 07-Apr-2016

@Rahul , You can buy two books by R.S. Aggarwal
1- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations and
2- A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning
These books will cover Logical and Analytical Reasoning, English, Basic mathematics
And for legal reasoning refer Legal Aptitude for the Clat and Other Law Entrance Examinations: A Workbook by A.P. Bhardwaj

R  RAHUL Commented On: 04-Apr-2016

i am commerce background.which books to refer plz reply

K  KETAKI Commented On: 18-Mar-2016

Good information Thanks sir


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