
Top 10 changes in BNS compared to IPC and MCQ for LAWCET

Published On: 3/24/2025
Author: Admin
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The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), enacted on July 1, 2024, replaces the Indian Penal Code (IPC) of 1860, introduced to reform and modernise criminal justice law as per the modern times. Here are the top 10 changes:

BNS introduces 21 new offences to cover all modern offences which include hate crimes, mob lynching, terrorism and more. To streamline the criminal justice law BNS has reduced sections. BNS has 358 sections compared to 511 sections in IPC. There are about 153 less sections in new BNS.
Considering technological advancements, necessary changes have been made to the laws. The new BNS law addresses the theft of data and intangible assets.
The BNS made significant changes in Criminal Law to protect India’s sovereignty. The new law is more focused on Action which is harmful for India’s Unity and Integrity. Section 124 A of the IPC is replaced by Section 152 of BNS.
Community service is introduced as a form of punishment. Instead of imprisonment, community service is introduced for minor offences.
The minimum imprisonment of 7 years in now increased to 10 years for Rape. The BNS has more stringent stance on sexual crimes.
Under BNS Attempted Suicide is no longer a crime. IPC had section 309 to punish Attempted Suicide with 1 year of Imprisonment. This section is removed in BNS and it is decriminalized.
45 Days deadline is introduced for delivering judgement. In Criminal Cases, judgement needs to be delivered within 45 days after trial concludes. The new BNS ensures swifter justice.
Witness protection schemes will be introduced by all State Governments. The BNS requires this scheme to be implemented by all States.
The BNS adopts contemporary terminology to promote women's equality. The BNS also ensure that laws are inclusive and reflective of modern societal values.
The BNS provides clear definition for Offences. It also provides clear definitions for various terms. The definitions are focused on reducing ambiguities and enhancing the precision of legal language.

These reforms aim to create a more efficient, impartial, and modern legal framework in India.

BNS MCQ Questions for LAWCET


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