
31+ Aptitude Test Topics

Quantitative Aptitude is a very important part of any competitive exam in India and abroad. Quants forms the bulk of most graduate level papers. Lets go over all the Quantitative Aptitude topics and learn exactly what they are.

The time to answer one aptitude test question in an exam is limited to 60 seconds

To do well in quantitative aptitude, one needs to be knowledgeable about both conceptual and analytical topics. Here is the list of topics for this Quant test:

List of Topics for Aptitude Test

Click on the topics to learn more and free online tests and MCQs from past question papers.

Aptitude Mock Test

List of Topics for Aptitude (Marathi) Tests

Aptitude (Marathi) Tests

Who are all can get the benefits from this Aptitude Question and Answers section?

Candidates preparing for following competitive exams can utilize Quantitative Aptitude section to improve their skills.

  • Bank Competitive Exam
    • RBI Exams
      1. RBI Grade – B
      2. RBI Assistant Stage I
      3. RBI Assistant Stage II
    • SBI Exams
      1. SBI PO Prelims
      2. SBI PO Mains
      3. SBI Clerk Prelims
      4. SBI Clerk Mains
    • IBPS Exams
      1. IBPS PO Prelims
      2. IBPS PO Mains
      3. IBPS Clerk Prelims
      4. IBPS Clerk Mains
      5. IBPS SO Prelims
      6. IBPS RRB Prelims (Office Assistants)
      7. IBPS RRB Mains (Office Assistants)
      8. IBPS RRB Prelims (Scale I Officers)
      9. IBPS RRB Mains (Scale I Officers)
      10. IBPS RRB General Banking Officers(Scale I)
      11. IBPS RRB Specialist Cadres (Scale II)
      12. IBPS RRB Scale III Officers
  • MPSC Competitive Exams
  • SSC Competitive Exams
    1. SSC CGL Tier 1
    2. SSC JE Paper 1
    3. SSC GD
    4. SSC CPO Paper 1
  • L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams
  • Railway Competitive Exam
  • University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • NET/ SET Competitive Exam
  • Company Aptitude Test (IT Companies)
    1. Placement Papers

Being ready for the government exams starts with solving mock tests and accessing sample papers from previous years.

Solving tricks and tips for solving difficult problems will be very useful if you're preparing to take a quantitative aptitude section in a bank exam.


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How to Prepare For Aptitude Tests?

Search Books for Aptitude

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N  NARENDRA TELAM Commented On: 23-Jun-2016

result of LLB CET


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