
Top 5 tips to score good Marks in Competitive Exams

Tips for Competitive Exams attempt

Competitive Exams is usually held under examination conditions with strict timing. The test questions are basically a series of multiple choice questions that get progressively difficult as the test goes on.

Any Competitive exam questions are so designed so that very few people taking test are able to complete them all in the time that is allotted to them. It’s pretty much a survival of the fittest as there is a lot of pressure on those taking the tests.

Following 5 tips will help you to increase your marks in competitive Exams and entrance exams.

Read the Instructions on Exam Paper Carefully

You have to read the Instructions very carefully before starting to attempt answers. Many competitive exams have sections and extra questions in each section, there can be instructions about how many questions to attempt and time limit for attempting sections.

Read the Aptitude Test Questions Carefully

This goes without saying – you need to read the competitive exam questions very carefully and understand them before attempting to answer. Even the smallest mistake here can make a mess of the whole test.

Don’t Get Stuck

Time is most important in an online aptitude test; don’t get stuck in a particular question. If you find it to be too hard or feel you are wasting precious time on it, just move on. Try it later after you have finished the remaining questions.

Don’t Just Guess

Many competitive tests use negative marking, so don’t just guess your answers. Be very sure of what you are doing. It’s better to leave a question that you are not confident about alone than to attempt a half-hearted answer.

Don’t Attempt Extra Questions

Some Exams have extra questions i.e. 120 questions but you have to answer 100 out of them. Most of time only first required questions are only checked so Don’t Attempt extra questions. Try to utilize this time to revisit your answers and confirm their answers.


Labels:entrance Exams, Online Aptitude Test, Reasoning Test, Aptitude Tests, Aptitude test Questions, Competitive Exams, Competitive Exam, bank exams, competitive exam preparation

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