Date: 8/2/2018

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  • He is one of four winners of mathematics’ top honour known as the Nobel prize for math. Akshay Venkatesh, a renowned Indian-Australian mathematician, is one of four winners of mathematics’ prestigious Fields medal, known as the Nobel prize for math.
  • New Delhi-born Venkatesh, 36, who is currently teaching at Stanford University, has won the Fields Medal for his profound contributions to an exceptionally broad range of subjects in mathematics.
  • The Fields medals are awarded every four years to the most promising mathematicians under the age of 40. The prize was inaugurated in 1932 at the request of Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields, who ran the 1924 Mathematics Congress in Toronto. Each winner receives a 15,000 Canadian-dollar cash prize. At least two, and preferably four people, are always honoured in the award ceremony.
  • The citation for Venkatesh’s medal awarded on 2 Aug at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro highlights his profound contributions to an exceptionally broad range of subjects in mathematics and his strikingly far-reaching conjectures.
  • The other three winners are: Caucher Birkar, a Cambridge University professor of Iranian Kurdish origin; Germany’s Peter Scholze, who teaches at the University of Bonn and Alessio Figalli, an Italian mathematician at ETH Zurich.
  • Birkar’s Medal stolen - Upsetting the celebration, someone stole Birkar’s medal after the awards ceremony. Organizers said they were cooperating with authorities to retrieve the prize.
  • Birkar, a Kurdish refugee from Iran teaching at Cambridge University, put the gold medal, worth around $4,000, in a briefcase and soon afterward realized that it had been stolen, according to event organizers.
  • Security officials at the Riocentro venue, Riocentro, found the empty briefcase in a nearby pavillion. Police reviewed security tapes and identified two potential suspects.
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  • PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) and Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish India-Nepal Centre.It will further strengthen economic engagement between the two countries.
  • The MoUaims to promote Indian investment in Nepal, Work with Indian ventures in Nepal to resolve problems being faced by them, Promoteindustrialization in Nepal and provide training to Nepali entrepreneurs.
  • The MoU was signed by Anil Khaitan, President of PHDCCI and Hari Bhakta Sharma, President of CNI in Kathmandu on 1 Aug.
  • Finance Minister of Nepal, Dr.Yuba Raj Khatiwada and Indian Ambassador to Nepal Manjeev Singh Puri were also present on the occasion.
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  • Scientists have developed a faster and cost-effective 3D printing method that can be used to print objects in all the colours.
  • People are exploring the use of 3D printing for wide-ranging applications, including manufacturing, medical devices, fashion and even food, according to the study published in the journal Nano Letters.
  • However, one of the most efficient forms of 3D printing suffers from a major drawback: It can only print objects that are gray or black in colour. Now, researchers at The Institute of Photonic Sciences (IFCO) in Spain have tweaked the method so it can print in all the colours of the rainbow.
  • Selective laser sintering (SLS) printers use a laser to heat specific regions of a powdered material, typically nylon or polyamide, so that the powder melts or sinters to form a solid mass.
  • The printer then selectively sinters new powdered material layer by layer until the desired 3D structure is obtained. To reduce the energy requirements of the process, researchers have added compounds called photosensitisers to the polymer powders. These materials, such as carbon nanotubes, carbon black and graphene, absorb light much more strongly than the polymers and transfer heat to them, enabling the use of cheaper, lower-power lasers.
  • However, the carbon-based photosensitisers can only produce printed objects that are gray or black. Gerasimos Konstantatos, Romain Quidant and colleagues at IFCO wanted to find a photosensitiser that would enable colour printing by the SLS method.
  • The researchers designed gold nanorods to strongly absorb in the near-infrared region of the spectrum while being almost transparent to visible light. They coated them with silica and then mixed them with polyamide powders to print 3D objects.
  • They found that the gold nanorods were much better at converting light from the laser to heat than carbon black, the industry standard.
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  • The famous Kadaknath chicken meat from Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh has now got a Geographical Indication (GI) tag.
  • The tag denotes that the product comes from a particular geographical area, and often enhances its commercial value.
  • A Chhattisgarh-based organisation too had sought similar recognition for the Kadaknath chickens bred in Dantewada district, but Jhabua's claim seems to have prevailed.
  • The Gramin Vikas Trust of Krishak Bharati Cooperative (KRIBHCO) had sought GI tag for the protein-rich and black coloured meat of Kadaknath variety of chicken, which is mainly reared in Jhabua. As per the information available on the Geographical Indications Registry, India, the application, made in the category of "Meat Product, Poultry & Poultry Meat", was approved on July 30.
  • Regional Program Manager of KRIBCHO Mahendra Singh Rathore confirmed the development. The trust had applied for GI tag in 2012 on behalf of tribals of Jhabua district who breed the variety.
  • Chhattisgarh-based Global Business Incubator Private Limited (GBIPL) had also sought GI tag for the chicken breed, claiming that the birds are bred uniquely in the state's Dantewada district. When contacted, Dantewada collector Saurabh Kumar today said they would not challenge grant of GI tag for Kadaknath meat from Jhabua, as they did not look upon this as a "commercial dispute".

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