Object Direction
Object Speed (SO) in KM/hr
Time Taken (T) in Seconds
Train Length (L)
Length of Object (0 if Human)

Train passing Moving object

Train having length of L including engine when passes a moving object the time taken by train to pass moving object with length W is calculated as follows

If train and object going parallel in same direction then formula will be as follows
Time taken by train to pass object is T= (Length of Train L + length of moving object W) / ( Speed of train S - Speed of Object SO)
i.e. T = ( L + W ) / (S - SO)

If train and object going parallel in opposite direction then formula will be as follows
Time taken by train to pass object is T= (Length of Train L + length of moving object W) / ( Speed of train S + Speed of Object SO)
i.e. T = ( L + W ) / (S + SO)

The moving objects can be a train, car, man.

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