Area Formulas and Calculator

1 Area for Square

When Rectangle has equal Height and Width then it is called as Square.

Formula for Rectangle Area is

Therefore Area of Square formula can be written as

When length of diagonal is given for square area of Square can be written as

2 Area for Triangle

The area of a triangle is given by the formula below

Therefore Triangle Formula can be written as

When length of two sides and angle between the two sides is given formula for area of triangle can be written as

Triangle Area Calculator
3 Area for Rectangle

The area of a Rectangle is given by the formula below

Therefore Area of Rectangle formula can be written as

Rectangle Area Calculator
4 Area for Parallelogram

The area of a Parallelogram is given by the formula below

Therefore Parallelogram formula can be written as

Parallelogram Area Calculator
5 Area for Trapezoid

Trapezoid has two parallel sides separated by distance called as height.

The area of a Trapezoid is given by the formula below

Therefore Area of Trapezoid can be written as

Trapezoid Area Calculator
6 Area for Circle

The area of a Circle is given by the formula below

Therefore Circle area formula can be written as

If diameter is given Area of Circle can be written as

Circle Area Calculator
7 Area for Sector

A circular sector or circle sector, is the portion of a disk enclosed by two radii and an arc. The area of a Sector is given by the formula below

When central angle of sector is given Area of Sector can be written as

When arc length of sector is given Area of Sector can be written as

Sector Area Calculator
8 Area for Ellipse

The area of a Ellipse is given by the formula below

Ellipse Area Calculator

Candidates preparing for following competitive exams can utilize above Aptitude section to improve their skills.

  • Bank Competitive Exam
  • MPSC Competitive Exams
  • SSC Competitive Exams
  • L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams
  • Railway Competitive Exam
  • University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • NET/ SET Competitive Exam
  • Common Aptitude Test (CAT)
  • Career Aptitude Test (IT Companies)
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