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How to prepare History for Competitive Exams?
History is one of the most important subjects in competitive Exams. In Maharashtra Public Services Commission i.e. MPSC exams general studies paper is based on History, UPSC exams, SSC, UGC NET/ SET, Railway Exams etc also have History subject.
MPSC syllabus is based on regional history i.e. Maharashtra history and it covers topics like Social and Economic reformations during 1885 to 1947, Indian revolutionist, The Non-co-operation Phase, The Civil Disobedience Movement, The Quit India Movement, The Revolutionary Movement, News papers before independence etc. Detailed syllabus can be checked on official website https://mahampsc.mahaonline.gov.in
UGC NET/ SET exam have Ancient Indian History, Medieval Indian History and Modern Indian History in syllabus.
Candidates preparing for following competitive exams can utilize History section to improve their skills.
- MPSC Competitive Exams
- SSC Competitive Exams
- L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams
- Railway Competitive Exam
- NET/ SET Competitive Exam
- Gk Quiz
Best way is to brush up your school days history, read NCERT text book and Maharashtra state boards history textbooks from 4th Standard to 10th Standard. If you read syllabus for competitive exams you will notice that school day history text books cover 99% of topics for general studies or general awareness.
While reading text books make sure that you have a pencil or marker to highlight or circle important dates, Names. Places etc. Also while reading make a habit of asking questions like Whom, Where, Why, When, Who etc. which will help you frame questions and better remember the important facts.
History is an interesting subject and it will be more interesting to read it from school text books in story form rather than just reading questions and answers from available MCQ books. Just reading MCQ book will focus only on questions, force us to do mechanical reading and quite sometimes it can be boring, on the other hand reading school textbooks will enlighten us about other facts related to the event/ moment. As we have gone through these text books earlier in school days, it will be easy for us to remember by just reading.
Let’s see which history textbooks from Maharashtra board (Based on NCERT textbooks) cover which topics.
4th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- Maharashtra before Shivaji Maharaj
- Work of Saints in Maharashtra
- Maratha Sardars – The Famous House of Bhonsales
- Shivaji Maharaj’s Childhood and Education
- The oath Of Swaraj
- Defeat of Internal Enemies, Battle of Pratapgad, Baji Prabhu and Battle of Ghodkhind, The Discomfiture of Shaistakhan, Siege of Purandar and other battles
- Shivaji Maharaj’s Efficient Administration
- War Strategy
- Campaign in South
5th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- What is History? History and the Concept of ‘Time’
- Life on Earth, Evolution, Evolution of Mankind
- Stone Age : Stone Tools
- From Shelters to Village – settlements
- Beginning of Settled Life, Settled Life and Urban Civilization
- Historic Period
6th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- The Indian Subcontinent and History
- Sources of History
- The Harappan Civilization
- The Vedic Civilization
- Religious Trends in Ancient India
- Janapadas and Mahajanapadas
- India during the Maurya Period
- States after the Maurya Empire
- Ancient Kingdom of the South
- Ancient India and the World
7th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- India and the World
- The Rise of Regional Powers
- Economic, Social and Cultural Life
- The Sultanate of Delhi
- The Vijaynagar and Bahamani Kingdoms
- Religious Synthesis
- The Foundation & Expansion of the Mughal Power
- The Expansion of the Mughal Power
- The Creation of the New Centres of Power
- Social Life during the Mughal Period
- Maharashtra before the Times of Shivaji Maharaj
- The Foundation of the Swaraj and Conflict with the Mughals
- The Administration of the Swara and A People’s King
- The Maratha War of Independence, The Expansion of the Maratha Power and The Pillars of the Maratha Power
- The Third Battle of Panipat
8th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- The Age of Renaissance
- The Age of Revolutions
- The Foundation and Expansion of the British Rule in India
- The Effects of the British Rule in India
- The National Uprising of 1857
- Renaissance in India
- Laying the Foundation of the Freedom Struggle, The Struggle for Swaraj
- The Non-co-operation Phase, The Civil Disobedience Movement, The Quit India Movement, The Revolutionary Movement
- Indian National Army
- The Struggle for Social Equality
- India Wins Independence, Fulfilment of the Freedom Struggle
9th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- Ancient & Medieval civilization: Greek, India, Arab
- Renaissance & Feudalism: Medieval Feudalism, Reformation, Renaissance
- Age of Revolution: Industrial revolution, American war of independence, French revolution
10th Standard Textbook History topics covered
- Imperialism: Geographical Discoveries & Imperialism, ASIA, Imperialism in Africa
- Twentieth Century - Age of Conflict: First World War, Russian Revolution, League of Nation, Dictatorship in Europe, United Nations Organization
- Emancipation of Asia & Africa
- World after Second World War: Cold War, Progress in Science & Technology, Globalization
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