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Understanding Current Affairs questions and answers for MPSC, UPSC, Bank Exams and Competitive exams
Current Affairs is an important topic in state PSCs, MPSC, UPSC, NET/SET exams, Bank Exams and other competitive exams. General knowledge current affairs is a huge topic and needs careful reading and observations about what is going in and around our state, nation and world. Current affairs can be further classified in sub topics like Awards, Sports, Environment and Ecology, business and Economy, Agriculture, People etc.
The most conventional way for preparing for gk current affairs is reading news papers both regional and national, but it is not sufficient to just read news papers and in addition you can subscribe to magazines specialist in categories like Sports, Environments and Ecology, Business, Agriculture etc.
However, no one can say that by reading news papers and magazines they are fully prepared for current affairs exam. Everything in news paper is not that important in terms of competitive exams current affairs questions and answers, one should also read few good websites for selective current affairs and bullet points.
For preparing for MPSC/ UPSC exams you should know what type of questions can be asked in current affairs quiz and should train yourself how to read news articles and interpret gk questions on current affairs out of it. To get more clarity we can classify questions into 3 types as follows
Let’s discuss more about classification of questions by looking into few examples of latest gk questions.
Example 1
“Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant attains criticality” is an important current affairs news in regards and fall under Technology and science category. Let’s analyse 3 types of questions which can be asked as follows
Simple Question: How many reactors are planned in Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant?
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 6
Medium Complexity Question: What does “Heavy Water” means?
- H2O
- D2O
- ZrH2
- H2O2
Complex Question: Currently operating nuclear power reactors uses which of the following moderators?
- Graphite
- Heavy Water
- Light Water
- No Moderator
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
- 1 only
- 1 and 2 only
- 2 and 3 only
- All of Above
Example 2
“Canada to conduct world's first Zika vaccine test on humans” also falls under Science and Technology current affairs. Zika virus is the most covered news in current days for past 6 months and the major threat is to Rio Olympic. Let’s see probable questions category wise as follows.
Simple Question: Which country is conducting first Zika vaccine test on Humans?
- India
- Canada
- U.S.
- Brazil
Medium Complexity Question: Who filed patent for Zika vaccine first?
- Bharat Biotech International
- NIH Vaccine Research Center
- Inovio Pharmaceuticals
- Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
Complex Question: Aedes species mosquito is thought to be responsible for transmission of which viruses?
- Malaria
- Chikungunya
- Zika
- Dengue
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
- 1 and 3 only
- All of Above
- 2, 3 and 4 only
- 1, 3 and 4 only
In above two examples simple question is direct question from information in news articles related to current affairs, medium complex questions are little bit tricky but the information can be found in same article. Complex questions are based on topic in news but the information for which cannot be found in same article, it requires careful reading of multiple articles.
We have database of 1100+ current affairs questions and answers based on latest events and news, you can try random questions selection current affairs quiz given below.
Quiz on current affairs
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(2) Comments:
Commented On: 07-Aug-2016 |
Commented On: 05-Aug-2016 |
Sir, do you have questions available for current affairs in Marathi? Can we download pdf?
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