
11 important Python job interview questions

You can't help but feel a little anxious before that job interview, but you have to keep your cool! It's important that you're ready to answer any question they might throw at you. With enough practice and preparation, the process will be a lot smoother and less nerve-wracking. And if you do happen to get really nervous, there are some helpful tips out there for calming down your nerves.

Here are some of the most essential Python interview questions you need to prepare for. You may be a beginner, intermediate or a Python ninja but these Python interview questions will surely test you.

1. What is Python?

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language with dynamic data types and automatic memory management. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. There are multiple reasons why Python is so popular.

Python has an extensive library of modules that can be used for different purposes, for example stats, math, network, etc. Python also has a large number of frameworks that can be used to build different types of applications which include Django, Flask, Pyramid etc. These frameworks are generally easy to learn and use. Python also has very good documentation which makes it easier for beginners to learn the language quickly.

2. What are some common Python errors?

There are a number of common Python errors that you might encounter when using the language. These errors can be frustrating to debug and resolve, and some people find themselves running into them more than others.

Common errors:

  • Syntax Error: This is generally caused by bad programming syntax, such as missing parenthesis or curly braces.
  • Name Error: This error is commonly caused by misspelling a variable or function name or forgetting to import a module before using it in your code.
  • Value Error: This error is often found when assigning values to variables that were intended to be strings but were actually numbers instead.
  • Runtime Error: This type of error typically appears while running the program and indicates an issue with the code itself, rather than an internal flaw in Python's runtime environment

3. What are the features of Python?

Python is a high-level programming language. This means that it is designed to be more readable than languages like C++ or Java. One of its features is that it has automatic memory management, which means you don't need to free the memory yourself.

It also has an extensive standard library, so you can find modules to deal with pretty much anything - from graphics to networking. And Python programmers agree that the best way to learn this programming language is by reading the source code of others and coding themselves.

4. What is a list in Python?

A list is one of the most basic data types in Python. It is an unordered collection of values that you would typically store comma-separated.

The difference between a list and an array in Python is that arrays are fixed-size data structures, whereas lists can grow and shrink on the fly.

5. What is a tuple in Python?

A tuple is an immutable list of values that cannot be changed.

Tuples are often used when we need to return multiple values from a function and we don’t want to create a data type for each one.

A tuple in Python is created by simply putting the values inside parentheses and separating them by commas.

6. What are some common data types in Python?

Data types in Python are four: integers, floating point numbers, strings, and lists.

Integers: An integer is a whole number without a fractional part. So while 3.7 is a floating point number because it has an implied decimal part of 7 digits behind the decimal point, 3 is an integer because there is no digit to the right of the decimal point.

Floating Point Numbers: These are numbers with a decimal place that can hold decimals up to 7 digits. They’re often referred to as "floats." Some people refer to them as "decimals" or "doubles" because they have two digits after the decimal place. Floats are written with a '.' at the end of them like this: 3.7

7. How does one iterate over a list in Python?

In Python, there are two common iterators:

  • For loop: for item in list:
  • While loop: while True:

The while loop will iterate until the condition becomes false and the for loop will iterate over all items in a list.

8. What are some of the most popular data structures in python?

Data structures are what allows programmers to organize data. There are many different data structures available to programmers, each with its own tradeoffs.

Lists are linear collections of objects that are ordered sequentially. They can be manipulated in a variety of ways, including inserting an element at the beginning, end or anywhere in the list, deleting an element from any position or shifting all elements up or down in the list by a single position.

Tuples are very similar to lists except they cannot be altered once they have been created. Tuples can be thought of as immutable lists since they support all list operations except that items cannot be inserted into them after they have been created.

Sets are collections of unique values which cannot contain duplicates with no particular order among values.

9. What is the difference between mutable and immutable objects in Python?

Mutable objects can be changed in place by using the "=" operator with an expression.

Mutable objects can be changed, usually through adding values to pre-existing variables.

Immutable objects are also called “pure” because they never change.

Immutable objects are usually faster since they don't need to do any extra work to check that the values haven't changed.

Immutable objects cannot be modified in place, and they can only be replaced with a new object of the same type.

10. How do you create classes in python?

Creating classes in Python is an act of inheritance, where the child class inherits all the features of the parent class. This allows developers to create loosely-coupled code by using inheritance, which makes it easy to maintain and update.

The below example shows how to create classes in python:

class Animal(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def speak(self):
print("I am a " + self.name)

11. What is an operator in Python?

An operator is something that changes or transforms one or more operands into another value.

One of the most common operators in Python is the plus ( + ) operator which is used to add two numbers together.

Operators are often used with variables to assign new values to them, for example if you have a variable called x = 10 and your operator is the plus sign ( + ), this would give you x + 10 which evaluates as 20.

All the Best for you technical Interview!



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