
5 best tips to ace your IT Interview

Preparing for your IT Interview can be a harrowing task, where you not only need to brush up your skills, but also prepare to answer the technical questions that can make or break your game. Many candidates who have a solid base still falter as they fail to present themselves well or are modest about their achievements. There are also other candidates who can easily convey their expertise, but are unable to answer the easiest of technical questions. Here we give you the best tips on how to prepare for, and ace your IT Interview.

5 best tips to ace your IT Interview
  1. Be Unabashedly Truthful: You are not powered by AI that you will have all the answers to all the questions in your IT Interview. It is perfectly normal not to know the answer to a technical question, but beating around the bush is something to stay away from. You must convey the limitations of your knowledge, but also state how you wish to overcome this knowledge gap. All companies want to hire those candidates who have the enthusiasm to learn and acquire new skills.

  2. Flaunt Your Feat: If you have worked on a game-changing project for your previous company, an IT Interview is just the right time and place to showcase your skills. This increases your chances of moving past the other candidates who cannot brag of such accomplishments. Modesty is not your friend in an IT Interview- if you have something that sets you apart from the crowd, feel free to talk about it.

  3. Know the Company: When preparing for an IT Interview, other than brushing up your technical questions, you must also gather some information about the company. You might need to be aware of the company’s social standing, its long-term goal, its hiring procedure, its work culture- to name a few. Someone with a clear idea of the company’s objectives and their own task are more likely to get selected in the IT Interview.

  4. Lead the Talks:The greater the control that you have over the direction the IT Interview takes, the higher are your chances of getting hired. Prepare well in advance the list of your skills and strengths, and use them to your leverage. A candidate who is at the helm of the conversation and is able to convey to the IT Interview board as to why they should hire him (owing to his strength weighed against their requirements), ultimately makes the cut.

  5. Practice A Set of Technical Questions:What can be better in your arsenal than right knowledge! No matter how well you present yourself, if you stumble with the basic technical questions, everything else ceases to matter. There are a bunch of technical questions available online that you can use to your advantage. We have also compiled a list of technical questions related to Python, Basic JAVA, Advance JAVA, Enterprise JAVA, C++, Angular JS, Computer and Cyber Security, Robotic Process Automation, MS SQL, Business Intelligence, and the likes. These lists feature the most frequently asked technical questions in IT Interviews across all big brands, and a candidate must be aware of the same.

It hardly matters if this is your first IT Interview or your tenth, you can make use of these tips every time you become the candidate. Do not fret over the fact that the company does not want to hire you- it really does. When the company is putting in a lot of time and effort into the process, it wants you to be on board. Leave your doubts and fears aside, and answer everything (including the technical questions) with confidence.

Nothing sells better than confidence in an IT Interview! Good luck!

Useful in : It Job Interview, Technical Interview


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