
208 Special Officer Posts with Union Bank Of India 2016-17


Union Bank of India is public company founded on 11th Nov 1919 i.e. 96 years ago and is leading listed public sector bank in India with Head office in Mumbai. Having significant overseas presence with branches in USA, UK, China, Australia, Belgium, UAE and Hong Kong.

Union Bank of India had 4196 branches networked with more than 6900 ATMs in India as on 31st Mar 2016. In year 2015 it had 36377 employees across India and globe and there is great opportunity for us to be part of Union Bank of India employees in financial year 2016-17. The Bank has announced Union Bank Recruitment Project 2016-17 SO (Specialist Officer) and there are tentatively 208 vacancies and can be changed at sole discretion of bank.

The Tentative breakup of post and vacancies as follows

  1. Credit Officer: 150
  2. Chartered Accountant: 20
  3. Statistician: 2
  4. Information Security Officer: 2
  5. Manager (Risk): 10
  6. Assistant Manager (Risk): 8
  7. Security Officer: 16

The detailed posts, vacancies and reservation in above noted vacancies available at official link click here

Selection Process

The Selection process may comprise of Online Exam and of Personal Interview. The Union bank has absolute right to conduct any or all of these modes for selection.

Online Test

For the post of Security officer following are subjects for Online test

Sr. No. Subject Number Of Questions Marks
1 Reasoning 50 50 Marks
2 English Language 50 25 Marks
3 General Awareness with special reference to banking sector 50 50 Marks
4 Professional Knowledge 50 75 Marks
Total 200 200 Marks

For the post of Chartered Accountant/Financial Analyst and Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer following are subjects for Online test.

Sr. No. Subject Number Of Questions Marks
1 Reasoning 50 50 Marks
2 English Language 50 25 Marks
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 Marks
4 Professional Knowledge 50 75 Marks
Total 200 200 Marks
  1. The exam will be conducted online and the duration of Examination will be 120 minutes.
  2. The Exam will be conducted in English and Hindi for all subject/ topics except the test of English Language.
  3. There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked in Online Exam, one forth or 25% of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted as penalty from final score.
  4. If No Answer is marked there will be no penal marks for that question.


Personal Interview:

A personal interview of 50 marks shall be conducted to assess the academic and job knowledge power of expression, clarity of thought, qualities of leadership, extracurricular activities, hobbies, general manner, behaviour, communication skills, suitability for the post, etc. of the applicant.


The Online Examination, if conducted, may be tentatively held on 08.07.2016 at the following centres: (a)Bengaluru (b) Delhi (c) Kolkata (d) Lucknow (e) Mumbai. The Detailed notification can be found at following url : http://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/pdf/UBRP-2016-17-English-Notification-05052016.pdf

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(9) Comments:
A  AASHIMA AHEMAD Commented On: 19-Aug-2016

Thanks, for the valuable information R/s sir,

M  MANISHA SUTHAR Commented On: 01-Jul-2016

How can give me bank exam for initiative and which coaching class best in andhri in Mumbai

M  MANISHA H. SUTHAR Commented On: 01-Jul-2016

Plzz.. inform me how can give exam for initiative and which coaching class is best for andhri

M  MADHUMITHA Commented On: 28-Jun-2016

Thanks for the valuable information sir

S  SHRIRAM BALAJI Commented On: 27-Jun-2016

Thanks for the valuable information..

R  RANI Commented On: 25-Jun-2016

Thanks for tha information

N  NEETA Commented On: 21-Jun-2016

Thanks for the information about union bank exam.sir pls provide some practice questions for the same

N  NEETA Commented On: 21-Jun-2016

Thanks for the information

N  NEETA Commented On: 21-Jun-2016

Thanks for the information

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