
Problems on Trains - (English)

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Problems on Trains: Tricks to Find Accurate Solution Fast

Train problems are one of the most important concepts in the time distance portion listed in the Quantitative Aptitude exams. The train problems are little different as compared to the regular problems related to the motion of the objects. It happens just because of the finite size of the trains under consideration. Due to the defined length of the trains, various interesting concepts can be incorporated into the quantitative aptitude test questions. However, it may appear a little difficult for beginners to understand and solve these problems. Well, if you are also confused with problems on trains, we advise you to go through the details below:

Problems on trains:

Due to the considerably small size of the tiny vehicles like cars, we can consider them like point objects. But as trains used to have a larger size that is even comparable to the distances that they travel in routine, the length and size of the trains must be given an important focus while solving problems on trains. Below we have highlighted a few essential points about moving trains that you may need to understand to solve the questions fast:

  • The overall distance traveled by train for crossing a certain person or poll is always equal to the overall length of the train.
  • The average distance traveled by the moving train while crossing the platform is always equal to the sum of the length of the platform and length of the train under consideration.
  • When we talk about two trains that are traveling in a direction opposite to each other with speeds V1 m/s and V2 m/s; their relative speeds must be the sum of the individual speeds of the trains. It can be given as (V1 + V2) m/s.
  • When the problem defines two trains traveling in the same direction with different speeds as V1 m/s and V2 m/s with the condition that V1 > V2; the relative speed of these trains must be equal to the difference between individual speeds of the trains under consideration. It can be given as (V1 – V2) m/s.
  • When two trains are having length X meters and Y meters are running in the opposite direction with speed V1 m/s and V2 m/s; the overall time taken y these trains for crossing each other can be defined as [(X + Y) / (V1 + V2)].
  • When two trains are running in the same direction with length X and Y meters and speed V1 and V2; where V1 > V2; the time taken by the faster train for crossing the slower train can be given as [(X + Y) / (V1 - V2)].
  • If two trains X and Y start running towards each other at the same instant of time from two different points A and B; after crossing each other somewhere in the middle of the journey, train X reaches at destination B within 1 second, and Y reaches the destination A within b seconds; then Train X Speed can be defined as b1/2: a1/2.

Who are all can get the benefits from this QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Question and Answers section?

Candidates preparing for following competitive exams can utilize Aptitude section to improve their skills.

  • Bank Competitive Exam
  • MPSC Competitive Exams
  • SSC Competitive Exams
  • L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams
  • Railway Competitive Exam
  • University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • NET/ SET Competitive Exam
  • Common Aptitude Test (CAT)
  • Career Aptitude Test (IT Companies)

These questions are useful if you're looking for MCQs for Problems on Trains, mcq question for Problems on Trains, Problems on Trains question bank, Problems on Trains previous question papers, Problems on Trains sample questions etc.

gopract.com has over 200 MCQs with past Problems on Trains questions and answers in a Problems on Trains quiz. You can take the Problems on Trains MCQ online test for free.

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