
Boats and Streams Aptitude - (English)

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Boats and streams are considered as some of the most important topics in career aptitude tests. However, most of the students end up making mistakes in solving those questions with the desired range of accuracy. Well, the true fact is that we cannot afford mistakes in competitive exams. At the same time, one needs to focus on time constraints as well. In such situations, it becomes important to find some tricks and tactics to solve boats and streams related questions fast.

No matter in which competitive exam you are planning to appear. It is always necessary to make efforts for accuracy and time management. Most of the students complain that quantitative aptitude end-up taking huge time during online aptitude test. If this is the case with you as well, we advise you to proceed ahead with the details below. Here you will find many trusted shortcuts to solve the boats and streams related questions without compromising the accuracy.

First of all, we advise you to make some analysis of techniques that you can use to solve questions related to boats and streams section. We advise you to pick at least 20 problems from the list and then solve them using basic mathematical formulas that you have studied in your school days. While solving those questions, note down the overall time consumed in finding accurate answers. Now, check out the tricks and tactics mentioned below to solve the same problems and do the questions using those shortcut methods while checking the overall time taken. Compare the time difference and accuracy to know how much you improved. But the process doesn’t end here; you need to do regular practice on those problems so that efficiency can be improved.

Things to remember: Boats and Streams

There are four things that play an essential role in any question related to boats and streams section in a quantitative aptitude test.

Still water: The water in a water body or a river under consideration which is not flowing can be defined as still water.

Stream: This term represents flowing water in a river, and it generally moves with certain mentioned speed.

Upstream: When the swimmer or the boat is moving against the flow or stream; he is said to be moving upstream.

Downstream: When the swimmer or the boat is flowing in the direction of water/ stream, it is defined as downstream.

Few important points that you should remember while solving these questions are:

When the speed of the swimmer or boat is defined as X km/hr and the overall speed of the flow or stream is given as Y km/hr:

  • The speed of the swimmer or boat towards the stream or the speed downstream is defined as:

    Speed downstream = (X + Y) km / hr

  • The speed of the swimmer or boat against the flow or stream or the speed upstream is given as:

    Speed upstream = (X - Y) km / hr

This information can help you to make a quick analysis of quantitative aptitude test questions.

Who are all can get the benefits from this QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Question and Answers section?

Candidates preparing for following competitive exams can utilize Aptitude section to improve their skills.

  • Bank Competitive Exam
  • MPSC Competitive Exams
  • SSC Competitive Exams
  • L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams
  • Railway Competitive Exam
  • University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • NET/ SET Competitive Exam
  • Common Aptitude Test (CAT)
  • Career Aptitude Test (IT Companies)

These questions are useful if you're looking for MCQs for Boats and Streams, mcq question for Boats and Streams, Boats and Streams question bank, Boats and Streams previous question papers, Boats and Streams sample questions etc.

gopract.com has over 200 MCQs with past Boats and Streams questions and answers in a Boats and Streams quiz. You can take the Boats and Streams MCQ online test for free.

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