
Problems on Ages - (English)

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Problems on Ages: Things to Know while Preparing for Aptitude Test Online

Age-related problems are the most important sections for the online aptitude tests. Once you have practiced these questions and learned tactics to solve them accurately, it is easier to score high in a career aptitude test. Well, if you are a beginner with the aptitude test series, it is important to learn some tips and tricks to solve these problems fast. The idea is to ensure accuracy for all solved questions while taking lesser time to achieve the results. The fact is that time plays a major role in any quantitative aptitude test. The one who use trusted strategies to solve problems on ages without compromising accuracy can definitely score high.

Age problems appear much similar to the number word problems. But you can solve them with ease only when you know the way to design accurate equations. In most cases, these problems discuss the age of some individual in relation to another individual in the present, past, or future. Here are some of the most common phrases that students may need to consider while working on age-related problems. In all these cases, x must be considered as the age of the Rahul for the given an example:

  • Rahul’s age after four years from now can be defined as (x + 4).
  • Rahul’s age three years before from now can be given as (x - 3).
  • Vivek is two times old as Sanna then Vivek’s age = 2x.
  • Vivek was three times as old as Sanna 4 years ago then Vivek’s age = 2 (x - 4).

The questions in this section cover four major concepts:

  • Average age
  • Future age
  • Age years ago
  • Present age

You may need to practice all type of problems to ensure higher accuracy in your online aptitude test.

Important formulae:

In order to ease your calculations for problems on age; below, we have defined a few standard formulas that you may need time and again:

  • When the present age of an individual is y, then n times of that age can be given as = ny.
  • When the present age is y for an individual under consideration, age after n years can be defined as = y + n.
  • If the present age of the person is y, age n years ago can be given as = y – n.
  • When the ages are defined in a certain proportion, a:b can be written as ay and by.
  • In case if the present age of the individual is y, then 1/n of the age can be written as y/n.

Once you master these simple concepts, it becomes easier to ensure accuracy in all problems. Prefer to practice these problems time and again to improve abilities. At the same time, it is important to work on time constraints so that you can solve the entire quantitative aptitude test on time. This strategy will soon help you to succeed with your goals.

Who are all can get the benefits from this QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Question and Answers section?

Candidates preparing for following competitive exams can utilize Aptitude section to improve their skills.

  • Bank Competitive Exam
  • MPSC Competitive Exams
  • SSC Competitive Exams
  • L.I.C/ G. I.C Competitive Exams
  • Railway Competitive Exam
  • University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • NET/ SET Competitive Exam
  • Common Aptitude Test (CAT)
  • Career Aptitude Test (IT Companies)

These questions are useful if you're looking for MCQs for Problems on Ages, mcq question for Problems on Ages, Problems on Ages question bank, Problems on Ages previous question papers, Problems on Ages sample questions etc.

gopract.com has over 200 MCQs with past Problems on Ages questions and answers in a Problems on Ages quiz. You can take the Problems on Ages MCQ online test for free.

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