Practice Test -English Language & Comprehension SSC-CGL

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1. Choose the correct spellings

2. Which one of the following characters in Shakespeare’s Tempest is associated with the Earth?

3. In Lord of the Flies which character comes to realize that the ‘beast’ is actually the evil inside the boys themselves and it is that which is breaking things up?

4. In relation to Spenser’s Faerie Queene which of the following character virtue link is rightly matched?

5. Dryden’s dramatization of Paradise Lost is entitled

6. The term ‘ecological imperialism’ was coined by

7. “...... Every other stone is god or cousin there is no crop other than god and god is harvested here around the year.” This extract is from:

What is Johnson’s opinion regarding the “Violation” of the three unities in the plays of Shakespeare ?
 I. Shakespeare should have followed the Unities.
 II. Shakespeare followed the important Unity of Action satisfactorily.
 III. Shakespeare’s plays suffered because they did not follow the Unities.
 IV. Unity of Time and Place arise from false assumptions.
 The correct combination according to the code is

9. A protagonist writes a letter of confession, but it gets lost under the carpet only to be found on the wedding day. Who is the protagonist?

10. A.S. Byatt in her famous award winning novel of 1990 contrasts past and present involving a search for a Victorian poet’s past illuminating a contemporary university researcher’s life and times. Which is the novel?

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English Language & Comprehension

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