Practice Test -General intelligence Reasoning for SSC-CGL

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1. If while passing through a railway line, you notice that the two trains from the opposite directions are running on the same lines you would—

2. While standing on his head. Shashank's face is towards South. In which direction will his right hand point?

3. `Apple, Application,________, Approval, Apricot, April’ Which of the following best fits in the blank?

If it is false that 'There is at least one octogenarian in the room', then which one of the following is probable?

Aadvark, Eerie, liwi, Oolong, Which of the following words follows the pattern of this series?

A, B, C and D have got some money with them. If A gives 8 rupees to B, B will have as much as C has and A will have 3 rupees less than what C has. Also if A takes 6 rupees from C, A will have twice as much money as D. If B and D together have 50 rupees, how much money does A and B have respectively ?

Five girls are standing in a row racing East. Savita is to the left of Usha, Tulsa and Urmila. Usha, Tulsa and Urmila are to the left of Kumud. Urmila is between Usha and Tulsa. If Tulsa is fourth from the left, how far is Usha from the right?

8. A song always has—

9. There are five persons who witness an accident. But the accused involved argues that he can produce 50 persons instead of five who can say that they did not see him causing the accident. The argument of the their will not hold because— 

Statement I: In last two years, there is a considerable reduction in c ncellation of flights due to fog in North India.
Statement II: In last two years, there is a considerable improvement in passenger amenities on all airports of North India.

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General intelligence Reasoning for SSC-CGL

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