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Videos for LAW CET 2022 Legal Reasoning MCQ for LLB courses
Legal Reasoning is one of the important topics in CET, with around 30 marks weightage. In this video, we'll look at two important questions on Legal Reasoning and the answers and explanations for them.
Maharashtra Law CET is scheduled for August 2022
Part 1 Legal Reasoning Important Questions with Answer and Explanation| MH-LAW-CET | CLAT
Part 2 Legal Reasoning Important Questions with Answer and Explanation| MH-LAW-CET | CLAT
Part 3 Legal Reasoning Important Questions with Answer and Explanation| MH-LAW-CET | CLAT
Part 4 Legal Reasoning Important Questions with Answer and Explanation| MH-LAW-CET | CLAT
Subjects for 2022 CET of LL.B
Three year LL.B Course CET subjects are as follows:
Sr. No. |
Subject |
Marks |
1 |
Legal Aptitude / Legal Reasoning |
30 Marks |
2 |
General Knowledge with current affairs |
40 Marks |
3 |
Logical and Analytical Reasoning |
30 Marks |
4 |
English |
50 Marks |
Total |
150 Marks |
Five year LL.B Course CET subjects are as follows:
Sr. No. |
Subject |
Marks |
1 |
Legal Aptitude |
40 Marks |
2 |
General Knowledge with current affairs |
30 Marks |
3 |
Logical Reasoning |
40 Marks |
4 |
English |
30 Marks |
5 |
Basic Mathematics |
10 Marks |
Total |
150 Marks |
Detailed syllabus and topics in each subject is given as below.
Legal Aptitude: This subject will test candidate interest towards study of Law, research aptitude and problem solving ability. Questions will be framed with legal proposition and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be true in the real sense, candidates will have to assume truth of these propositions and answer the questions drawing well support conclusions.
General Knowledge with Current affairs: The topic such as History, Geography, General Science, Economics, Civics, Current Affairs of past one year. The subject is to assess the knowledge of recent happening and awareness of the world.
Logical Reasoning: This subject is to test the candidate’s ability to identity patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, completing arguments, drawing well supported conclusions, reasoning by analogy, applying principles or rules.
Analytical Reasoning: The subject is to measure the ability to understand the structure of relationship and to draw logical conclusion about the structure. It includes reasoning deductive from a set of statements and rules or principles that describes the relationship among persons, things or events.
English: Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, analogies etc.) proficiency (idioms and phrases, one word substitutions, sentence improvement and rearrangement, fill in the blanks etc.) English usage errors, (Common Errors, Spotting Errors, inappropriate usages of words, spelling mistakes etc.) English Comprehension.
Basic Mathematics: This section is to test the numerical ability of candidates. The mathematics questions will be set 10th level, of various topics including Profit & Loss, Speed and Distance, Time & Work, Algebra, Average, Venn diagram.
DMER Official Link for 2016 LLB CET Syllabus
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