
Best Books for LAW CET Preparation

Most of the time, students get confused while making a selection for the best books to study for the Law entrance exam. Experts reveal that when you are preparing for national level entrance exams to get into a Law career, select of right books is always the most crucial step. As the market is loaded with a wide range of books for each subject mentioned in the syllabus, here we have listed a few most essential law entrance books that can help you cover the entire syllabus with ease.
Best Books for LAW CET Preparation:

1. Indu’s MH CET Law 2017 This book is easily available online and at offline stores and is recommended by all successful candidates that are already taking 3 years or 5 years LLB course. It is written by Rajul J Suryawanshi and Mubeen Shaikh Ismail and it provides in-depth information related to all important topic preparation of MH Law CET exam. The list of major topics covered in this book includes legal aptitude, current affairs, basic mathematics, general knowledge, logical & analytical reasoning, English and the previous year question papers.

2. Avhad’s Guide to MH CET Common Law Entrance Test 2018 This book is known as a universal guide for preparation of MH CET Law Exam; it is written in easy to understand the English language. In this book, you will find the perfect pattern of questions as per the latest syllabus. Students can also find many solved mock tests and examples for quantitative aptitude, logical & analytical reasoning, current affairs, general English, legal aptitude and reasoning.

3. Aarti and Co.s Guidelines for MH-CET Here is another top recommended book for MH-CET exam preparation. It can help students to crack the MH-CET Law exam to get admission into 5 years as well as 3 years LLB course. You can find this book with paperback and hardcoverat online as well as offline stores. The authors have prepared a unique pattern for 3 years and 5 years LLB in this book.

4. Pradnya’s MH-CET: Law for L.L.B. This book is also a great choice for both 3 years and 5 years LLB course. It is published by Nikita Publications and written by Adv. RevatiMohril and Gajanan Shewalkar. This book can help students to find complete details about all essential sections of the syllabus like legal aptitude, current affairs, general science, logical & analytical reasoning, basic mathematics, English, general awareness and general knowledge. Along with these topics, this book also contains a few model question papers, MH Law CET Mock testsand previous year question papers so that you can understand the exam structure very well.

5. Maharashtra CLET Common Law Test 2018 How can we forget to talk about this popular book from Arihant that can help students to get a detailed overview of the 5 years LLB programme? It is the best choice for both entrance exams CLET and LAW Admission Test. This book covers extensive details about various subjects like Logical & Analytical Ability, basic mathematics, English, legal aptitude, legal reasoning and general knowledge.


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