Practice Test -True Discount Aptitude

1. The true discount on a bill due 9 months hence at 16% per annum is Its. 189. The amount of the bill is

2. The true discount only Rs. 2562 due 4 months hence is Rs. 122. The rate percent is:

3. A man wants to selfish scooter. There are two offers, one at Rs. 12,000 cash and the other at a credit of Rs. 12,880 to be paid after 8 months, money being at 18% per annum. Which is the better offer:

4. A trader owes a merchant Rs. 10,028 due 1 year hence. The trader wants to settle the account after 3 months. If the rate of interest is 12% per annum, how much cash should he pay?

5. If Rs. 10 be allowed as true discount on a bill of Rs. 110 due at the end of a certain time, then the discount allowed on the same sum due at the end of double the time is:

6. A man purchased a cow for Rs. 3000 and sold it the same day for Rs. 3600, allowing the buyer a credit of 2 years. If the rate of interest be 10% per annum, then the man has a gain of:

7. A man buys a watch for .Rs. 1950 in cash and sells it for Rs. 2200 at a credit of 1 year. If the rate of interest is 10% per annum, the man

8. If the true discount on a sum due 2 years hence at 14% per annum be Rs. 168 the sum due is

9. The present worth of Rs. 1404 due in two equal half-yearly instalments at 8% per annum simple interest is:

10. Rs. 20 is the true discount on Rs. 260 due after a certain time. What will be the true discount on the same sum due after half of the former time, the rate of interest being the same?

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True Discount

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