Practice Test -Logical Reasoning

A 2100 member team consisting of Team Leaders and Athletes is attending a National Athletic Meet. For every 20 Athletes, there is one Team Leader. How many Team Leaders would be there in the team?

‘(A) The number of people migrating into Bengalum has increased significantly in recent years. (B) This is because Bengaluro provides more economic opportunities than the towns and villages from which these migrants come. (C) This sudden influx of migrants has made the city less pleasant to live in. (D) The success of the government’s rural employment guarantee act might have the effect of stemming some ruralurban migration.’ Which one of the above statements is best described as an assertion of opinion rather than an assertion of fact?

Statement 1: All libraries are laboratories.
Statement 2: No laboratories are hostels.
(A) All laboratories are libraries.
(B) Some hostels are libraries.
(C) Some libraries are hostels.
(D) No library is a hostel.

`Soft drinks have been shown by scientists to be bad for the teeth. Therefore, the government would be justified in banning all soft drinks from the Indian market.’
Assuming that the factual claim in the above argument is true, what else needs to be assumed for the conclusion to follow?

Assume that both premises, 'No innocent person should be punished' and 'Socrates is innocent' are true. Then which one of the following options is necessarily true?

6. `Where there is smoke, there is fire.’ Which of the following statements, if true, would show that the above statement is false?

`Utilitarians believe that the right action is that which produces the most happiness.’ Which of the following claims is incompatible with the utilitarian view?

Choose the pair of words from the options that best represents a similar relationship as the one expressed in the following pair of word s. WAITER: RESTAURANT

In a bag, there are some diamonds. In another bag, there are one fourth the number more than the number of diamonds in the first bag. If the difference in the number of diamonds in the first
and second bag is 3, how many diamonds are there in the first bag?

If it is true that 'Good governance implies law and order in society' t hen identify the statement which has to be accepted along with the given statement?

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