Practice Test -Research Aptitude

1. Cultural eutrophication is caused by the addition of too many— 

2. “Ecosystem is the system resulting from the integration of all the living and non-living factors of the environment.” This state was of— 

3. Kerlinger has written about a problem-

4. The term Anusandhan in Hindi has been borrowed from—

5. The Earth Summit of 1992 at Rio de Janiero resulted into a Convention on Biodiversity, which came into force on— 

6. The process of latcrization results into—

7. The criteria of a good case-study is—

8. The earth planet along with the atmosphere (i.e., air, water and land) that sustains life is called—

9. In order to inculcate the ethical values in the researches, it is essential that it should be—

10. Cyanosis is caused by—

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