Practice Test -Visual Arts

1. Select the correct chronological sequence with respect to seniority of these advertising stalwarts:

2. Which liquid is used in Lino etching?

Assertion (A): Pahari miniature paintings are characterized by a lyrical rhythm.
Reason (R): Because these pictures were painted in the hills.

4. The sculpture titled “Musical Construction” in wood and metal is a work by which sculptor?

5. Which of the following is known as “design area” in the screen printing process?

6. Choose the correct chronological sequence:

Assertion (A): Silk Screen printing process is adopted in many other fields.
Reason (R): Because it is a versatile medium.

8. Who was often called the “Father of English watercolour”?

9. Who wrote the manifesto of Cubism?

10. Why is grease added to the ground in printmaking?

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Visual Arts Online practice test for ugc - net , these practice questions and answers are also useful in various competitive exams

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