Practice Test -Archaeology

Assertion (A): The Satavahanas got rock cut caves excavated.
Reason (R): Because they did not know brick technology.

Assertion (A): The domestication of plants and animals took place only once and spread to other parts of the world from South-West Asia.
Reason (R): All the domesticated plants and animals are native to South-West Asia.

3. The main characteristic feature of megalithic culture is

4. Attirampakkam is located in

5. Which of the following Mesolithic site has not yielded the evidence of human burials?

Arrange the following in chronological order:
(i) Hindu Shahi coins of Afghanistan
(ii) The Chakravikrama type coins of Chandragupta II
(iii) The gold coins of KujulaKadphises
(iv) Coins of Azes I

7. The Acheulian tools were introduced by one of the following group of human beings:

8. Which of the following is not associated with the South Indian Megaliths?

9. Ostrich egg shell beads have been found at

Assertion (A): Development of Palaeolithic Technology is worked out by economy of labour and raw material.
Reason (R): The increasing cranial capacity was responsible for it.

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