Practice Test -SOCIAL WORK

1. Quartile deviation is also known as

2. Which of the following is not a technique of case work?

3. What is Anuloma marriage?

Determinant of population growth is
I. Family
II. Marriage
III. Economy
IV. Fertility

5. Which one of the following describes skills, knowledge, abilities to do the job?

6. Which one of the following term is coined by Talcott Parson

7. Murry G. Ross suggested 3 approaches for community organization i.e. specific content approach and generic content approach. The third approach is

8. National Policy for children was launched in

Arrange the following steps in the process of establishment of NGOs in a sequence:
i. Mission
ii. Vision
iii. Strategies
iv. Objectives

10. One of the following theories is known as growth oriented theory

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