Practice Test -SOCIOLOGY

1. “The economic perspective that believes that free market forces, achieved by minimizing Government restrictions on business, provides the only route to economic growth.” This statement explains the concept of

2. Social change is a :

There are two statements, one is Assertion (A) and the other is Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Assertion (A): Introduction of Midday meals in primary schools has increased the rate of attendance among the children in Rural India.
Reason (R): Mid-day meals has resulted in corruption and negligence of teachers in their teaching.

4. According to Blumer which one of the following is not a Social Action? 

5. Which among the following is the major limitation of survey research? 

6. The most feminists agree that the issue or violence against women is related to

7. Which of the following theories has a “Micro” orientation?

8. The concept of ‘imperatively coordinated associations’ was contributed by

9. Who suggested that God is society divinized ?

Which of the following methods used by H. Garfinkel in his exposition of ethnomethodology?
i. The Documentary Method
ii. The Breaching Experiments
iii. The Reciprocity of Perspectives
iv. The Etcetera Principle

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