Practice Test -Teaching Aptitude

1. You are being presurized by your colleagues to take the membership of the teachers' union. How could you take decision in this situation?

2. In a democracy. individual-differences are encouraged because — 

3. If you have taken a house on rent you would like to build good relations with your land lord through— 

4. If a poor student is unable to deposit his monthly fees in time, what will you do in this condition?

5. Suppose a few teachers are busy in cracking filthy jokes during their leisure time in school, you are also member of that group but unable to stop them. What would you like to do to avoid it?

6. Now-a-day the Government has given priority to social welfare schemes, therefore, it has launched various schemes like Age-old Pension scheme widow Pension scheme etc. Your Personal opinion towards all these schemes is—

7. Suppose a child is devoid of social efficiency then what measures will you adopt to overcome this difficulty? 

8. The education or primitive man included the elements which today would be termed as— 

9. In order to monitor students’ progress and to modify teaching accordingly, the best method of evaluation is

10. The most important purpose of 'guidance’ of students is to 

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