Practice Test -Comparative Literature

1. Culture Studies as an academic discipline began in the UK at the

2. Which of the following is not a report on the scope, status and standards of Comparative Literature?

3. The Macmillan Modern Indian Novels in Translation series

4. The greatest theorist of tragicomedy was

5. The name of Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury has been taken from

6. Who declared that the “unconscious is structured like a language”?

7. Who among the following devised a “pointillist” method in Art history?

8. Identify the writer who says: “I think Comparative Literature, which is not different from the study of single literatures so far as the critical methodology is concerned, but differs only in matter and attitude, can play a vital role in the reorganization of our literature faculties and in the teaching of literature.”

9. Who among the following was not one of the contributors to Aspects of Comparative Literature: Current Approaches, edited by Chandra Mohan and published in 1989?

10. Bakhtin proposes the notion of

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