Practice Test -RPA (Robotics process Automation)

1. A Flowchart specific activity that splits the control flow into three or more branches, out of which only one is executed based on a condition is called as?

2. A type of Workflow that provides a modelling style to model a workflow in an event-driven manner is known as?

3. A single screen and keyboard-based application is generally referred to as?

4. Which of the following use cases are more appropriate for a Hybrid RPA bot?

5. Which of the following wildcard combinations are supportd by UI Path?

6. Which of the following is NOT a type of asset in UIPath Studio?

7. Which is one of the primary methods of training an RPA system?

8. A person who analyses business operations and processes to create an optimize workflow processes using RPA and related automation tools is known as?

9. What added advantage does an RPA integrated with OCR techonology bring?

10. Which of the following automation is used in operating virtual machines through UIPath?

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RPA i.e. Robotic Process Automation is used to automate manual repeated tasks. RPA is code free, User friendly and non disruptive.

There are 3 popular tools which are used to build RPA applications. Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere and UIPath are the main 3 applications used to build RPA.

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) has very bright future as there are human actions which can be automated.

If you are preparing for Robotic Process Automation Interview this RPA MCQs Online Quiz is designed for you.

RPA Multiple Choice Questions and Answers are helpful in preparing for RPA Certification exams. These RPA Mock Tests are helpful for beginners, freshers and experienced professionals.

Who are all can get the benefits from this RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Question and Answers section?

Candidates preparing for following exams can utilize this section to improve their skills.

  • RPA Interview
  • RPA Certification

This Question and Answer section on RPA is also useful for freshers who want to know what is Robotic Process Automation.

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