Practice Test -Library Science

1. Which is not considered non recurring expenditure in the following

2. The obvious advantage or using controlled vocabulary in indexing is

3. In colon classification, which mnemonic is displayed in the use of digit ‘4’ as for pathology, disease, transport, hybrid etc. ?

4. Intellectual Property Rights does not refer to :

5. Who said that ‘Right book to the right render at the right time’?

 Which of the following are limitations of digital libraries ?
(i) Full text searching
(ii) Operational costs
(iii) Rights management
(iv) Hyper text linking

7. Which of the following is not true about the concept of Information Policy?

8. The book ‘Introduction to Reference Work’ published in 1944 is written by

9. The INFLIBNET centre promotes open access to “Indian Scholarly Contents” through: 

Identify the methods used for plagiarism detection :
(i) Term occurrence analysis
(ii) API Testing
(iii) Citation-based plagiarism detection
(iv) Local similarity assessment

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