MPSC Maharashtra Agriculture Services (महाराष्ट्र कृषि सेवा)

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Commencement of Online Application Form 7 Mar 2018
Last Date to Apply an online application form 27 Mar 2018
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Exam Pattern (Preliminary Exam) Code: 039 (संकेतांक: 0३९)

S.No. विषय (Subject) प्रश्नसंख्या (Questions) दर्जा
1 मराठी 15 Questions शालांत
2 English 15 Questions पदवी
3 General Studies (सामान्य अध्ययन) 45 Questions पदवी
4 कृषि विषयक घटक 25 Questions पदवी

Preliminary Exam will be conducted in English and Marathi language and there will be 1 hour for 100 multiple choice objective type questions.

MPSC Maharashtra Agriculture Services Pre Exam Syllabus (अभ्यासक्रम)

  1. मराठी :- सर्वसामान्य शब्दसमूह, वाक्यरचना, व्याकरण, म्हणी व वाक्यप्रचार यांचा अर्थ व उपयोग तसेच उता-यावरील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे
  2. English language Common Vocabulary, Sentence structure, Grammar, Use of Idioms and Phrases & their meaning and Comprehension of passage.
  3. General Studies सामान्य अध्ययन
    1. Current Events of National and International Importance
    2. History of Modern ( i.e. 1857 -2000 ) India (Special reference to Maharashtra).
    3. Geography of India (Special reference to Maharashtra).
    4. Indian Political System : Administration of Central and State government, Administration of Zilla-Parishad, Taluka - Panchayat, Gram-Panchayat, Role of Police Patil and Talati in village administration.
    5. Social Reformers of Maharashtra.
    6. Indian economy , Role of Agriculture in Indian economy, Impact of Globalisation, Liberalisation, Privatisation on Indian Economy.
    7. Sustainable development : Pollution, Conservation of natural resources, Sustainable agriculture and industrial development, Role of international, national, state level agencies and NGOs in sustainable development.
    8. History of Maharashtra
    9. Computers and Information Technology : a) Use of computer in different fields : its Scope and limitations.b) Information Technology : Internet, E-mail, E-commerce, Web-site pertaining to agriculture information.
    10. Impact of Political, Economical, Social, Communication, Public Developments on Rural life.
  4. Agricultural components (कृषि विषयक घटक)
    1. Land Utilisation and Major crops
    2. Irrigation source and method.
    3. Animal Husbandry and Dairy.
    4. Horticulture, Forest Development and Produce.
    5. Fisheries.
    6. Agriculture Economics.

Exam Pattern (Main Exam)

परीक्षा टप्पे:- लेखी परीक्षा – ४०० गुण

प्रश्नपत्रिकांची संख्या : दोन (एक अनिवार्य व एक वैकल्पिक)

पेपर क्रमांक विषय व संकेतांक प्रश्नसंख्या (Questions) दर्जा
१ (अनिवार्य) कृषि - विज्ञान (संकेतांक-०१५) 100 Questions कृषि पदवी
२ (वैकल्पिक) कृषि (संकेतांक-१०१)
कृषि अभियांत्रिकी (संकेतांक-१०२)
200 Questions त्या त्या विषयाची पदवी

सविस्तर अभ्यासक्रम Detailed Syllabus

Paper I (Compulsory ): AGRICULTURE SCIENCE (Code No. 015)

Standard : Degree in Agri. or Agri. Engineering
Nature of Paper : Objective type
Medium : English
Total Marks : 200
Total Questions: 100
Duration : 1 Hour

  1. AGRONOMY (MARKS : 80): Principles of Agronomy, Agriculture meteorology, Irrigation water management, Field crops, kharif crops including forages, cereals, millets and pulses, Field crops (Rabi crops, including forage, oilseeds and commercial crops), Rainfed Agriculture,Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture
  2. SOIL SCIENCE (MARKS : 40): Definition of Soil; Weathering of rocks and minerals, physical and chemical properties of soil. Soil structure, definition, types and its importance in crop production. Soil texture, classes, ion exchange, soil solution, organic matter, soil moisture, Alkaline and Acid soils. Quality of irrigation water, soil survey. Soil fertility and soil productivity. Soil water movement, infiltration, Soil water movement percolation, evaporation and evapo transpiration, essential plant nutrients, organic manures, fertilizers, Integrated Nutrient Management. Eco- friendly farming, Nutrient management in problem soils, preparation of compost, vermicompost, Organic farming, its merits and demerits, mixed, Complex and Compound fertilizers, micro nutrients, liquid fertilizers, Bio-fertilizer, Soil pollution by agro-chemicals.
  3. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING (MARKS : 80) Farm Machinery and Power , Agricultural Process Engineering, Soil and Water conservation, Watershed management, Micro Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Farm Structures


Standard : Degree in Agriculture
Nature of Paper : Objective type
Medium : English
Total Marks : 400
Total Questions: 200
Duration : 2 Hour

  1. AGRICULTURAL BOTANY ( Marks : 80 )Morphology ,Anatomy, Cytogenetics, Genetics, Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Social forestry, Medicinal and Aromatic plants , Environmental Science & Agro-ecology, Plant Biotechnology
  2. PLANT PROTECTION (ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT PATHOLOGY) ENTOMOLOGY ( MARKS : 40 )Pest Management , Study of non insect-pest, Residual effect of insecticide, Biological control of insect-pests
  3. PLANT PATHOLOGY ( MARKS : 40)History and development of plant pathology,Broad classification of fungi and phytopathogenic bacteria,Dissemination and transmission,Epidemilogy and forecasting, Disease resistance,Symptomology, Flowering parasites, physiological disorders, Principles of plant diseases & its control, chemical, bio-control their formulation and dosesSymptoms causal organism, etiology and control measures of the disease
  4. HORTICULTURE ( MARKS : 80 )Cultivation of fruits, Cultivation of vegetables, Cultivation of flowers, Plant growth regulators & their uses, Post harvest management and processing
  5. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION ( MARKS : 60 ) Rural Sociology and Community Development, Principles of Extension Education and Educational Psychology, Extension teaching methods and aids , Extension Administration and Programme Evaluation
  6. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS ( MARKS : 40 ) Economics, Agricultural Economics, Problems of Agricultural Marketing, regulated market, Agricultural credit, Farm management and production economics
    1. Animal Husbandry ( MARKS : 20 )Breeds, Farming & Management,Breeding, Reproduction, Nutrition
    2. Dairying ( MARKS : 20 )Milk and milk product, Legal standard and quality control tests
  8. FOOD SCIENCE ( Marks: 20 )


Standard : Degree in Agricultural Engineering
Nature of Paper : Objective type
Medium : English
Total Marks : 400
Total Questions: 200
Duration : 2 Hour

  1. FARM POWER AND FARM MACHINERY ( MARKS : 80 )Farm Power, Agricultural Tractors, Tillage Machinery, Planting and Harvesting Machinery, Plant Protection Appliances
  2. AGRICULTURAL PROCESS ENGINEERING ( MARKS : 80 )Drying of Farm Crops, Handling of Agricultural Materials, Processing of Agricultural & Horticultural Products, Dairy and Food Engineering
  3. ELECTRICAL AND OTHER ENERGY SOURCES ( MARKS : 40 )Electricity, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Biomass Energy
  4. FARM STRUCTURES ( MARKS : 20)Engineering Properties of materials of construction, Load bearing capacity of Soil and designing of foundation, types of foundations & its function, Plinth, Types of Walls, Types of Roofs and Roof Trusses, King Post, Queen Post, Steel Trusses etc., Flooring types, Doors and Windows and their types, Construction of Farm Roads, Farm Fences, Preparation of Plans for common Agricultural Structures and cost estimation, Green house-Types-materials-designs- principles.
  5. SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION ENGINEERING ( MARKS : 120 ) Hydrology, Sedimentation, Soil Erosion, Watershed Management
  6. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING ( MARKS : 60 ) Fluid Mechanics, Irrigation Methods, Canal Irrigation, Drainage Engineering, Ground Water Hydrology, Land Development

Practice Tests and Subjects available in English


Practice Tests and Subjects available in Marathi


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(4) Comments:
O  OMPRAKASH ANDHALE Commented On: 19-Jul-2020

can a B.Tech Food Technology graduate give MPSC agricultural exam ?

J  JANHVI MERU Commented On: 09-Sep-2019

Can a food technology graduate give mpsc agriculture exam?

S  SHRUTI GURAPPA BIRADAR Commented On: 06-Jul-2019

Online free tests helping us to check capacity, our level of knowledge... Really a good trying efficiency increasing due to these questions...

H  HARSHADA GITE Commented On: 14-Apr-2017

Nice tests for agri pre

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