MPSC: Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Examination (सहायक मोटर वाहन निरीक्षक परीक्षा)

Important Dates

Date of Preliminary examination 30th April 2017 (३० एप्रिल २०१७)
Date of main examination Tentative 6th August 2017 (६ ऑगस्ट २०१७ अंदाजित)
Official Website

Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector Examination is conducted in 3 stages as given below

  1. Preliminary Exam (100 Marks)
  2. Main Exam (300 Marks)
  3. Personal Interview & Personality Test (50 Marks)

1. Preliminary Exam Scheme and Syllabus

Candidate must successfully clear preliminary exam to appear in main exam, however marks scored in this exam are not considered in Final Score after main exam. This exam is conducted in Marathi and English languages.

Preliminary exam is based on multiple choice objective type questions (MCQ) and there will be 100 questions based on topics like General Knowledge, Intelligence test and Current affairs in the field of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering.

  1. General Knowledge (50 Questions)

    Current affairs, Social and industrial reforms, General Science, Indian History and Geography (Importance on Maharashtra), Civics

  2. Intelligence test (30 Questions)

    To test the ability of candidate about quick thinking

  3. Current affairs in the field of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering (20 Questions)

    Latest trends and technological development in the field of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering.

2. Main Exam Scheme and Syllabus

Main exam will be based on objective type multiple choice questions and there will be 150 Questions. The exam will be of 300 Marks and duration will be 1 hour 30 Minutes. All questions will be based on Mechanical / Automobile Engineering and detailed syllabus is as follows

  1. Section A : Mechanical and Automobile Engineering – (120) Questions
    1. Strength of Materials : (15)

      Stress and strain, strain energy, shearing force and bending moment, moment of inertia, Principal planes and stresses, slope and deflection. Direct and bending stresses, Columns, Torsion and thin cylinders.

    2. Mechanical Technology : (20)

      Engineering materials, Non chip forming processes, chip Forming process : Turning, Drilling, Milling, Boring, Broaching, Finishing and super finishing, Gear production as well as NC-CNC and non conventional machining methods.

    3. Theory of Machines : (20)

      Kinematics and dynamics of machines, role of friction, different power devices and power transmission equipments such as governers, gyroscopes etc., Applications of cams.

    4. Hydraulics : (20)

      Fluids and their properties, Laminar and turbulent flow, Bernaulli’s Equation, Fluid pressure, Pascal’s Law, Surface tension, fluid flow and its measurement.

    5. Thermal Engineering : (20)

      Sources of energy : Conventional and non conventional, Laws of thermodynamics, Principle and working of heat engines, air compressors. Air Standard, vapour power and Gas power cycles.

      1. Automobile Engines : (15)

        Theory, working and constructional features of C.I. and S.I. engines, Combustion phenomena and various ignition systems, Fuels and Lubricants, Performance and Testing of I.C. Engines, Pollution control.

      2. Industrial Electronics : (10)

        Diods, UJT, BJT, amplifiers, microprocessors.

  2. Section B: Mechanical Engineering - (30) Questions
    1. Hydraulic Machinary : (10)

      Impact of jet, Hydraulic turbines, Hydraulic pumps : Centrifugal, reciprocating and other types. Hydraulic control circuits.

    2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning : (10)

      Refrigerator and heat pump, Vapour compression and vapour absorption refrigeration systems, Refrigerants, Psychometry, Air conditioning and its applications.

    3. Industrial Engineering : (10)

      Types of production, plant layouts, process planning, work study, statistical quality control, Metrology.

  3. Section C : Automobile Engineering – (30) Questions
    1. Automobile Systems : (10)

      Vehicle layout, Transmission system, breaking systems, ABS, Steering and suspension system, Chasis Frame and Body engineering.

    2. Vehicle Maintenance : (10)

      Performance of vehicles, engine electricals and electronics, workshop layout, repairing and servicing, Emission measurements and control techniques.

    3. Transport Management : (10)

      Elements of transport and its operations, Motor Vehicle Act, Taxation, Insurance.

Note: Main exam Section A questions are compulsory and solve any one section out of section B and Section C

3. Personal Interview & Personality Test (50 Marks)

Candidates successfully passed/cleared main exam and fulfilling measurements of chest, height and weight will be allowed to appear for Personal Interview.

Practice Tests and Subjects available in English


Practice Tests and Subjects available in Marathi


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(24) Comments:
R  RAVI JADHAV Commented On: 20-Nov-2019

Sir,i have learning license. So can I apply for RTO pre exam

A  ANUJA SONTAKKE Commented On: 20-Oct-2019

I won't some information about physical like height, weight and all

R  RAKESH MORE Commented On: 08-May-2019

Sir i am start to study sir aimv so refer to guide me

S  SANKET MANE Commented On: 02-Apr-2018

Sir for applying main exam of amvi do i need convocation letter?

K  KRISHNA Commented On: 30-Jan-2018

Which books should preferred for AMVI PRE EXAM?

N  NIKHIL ANTRE Commented On: 30-Nov-2017

2018 mdhe pu ha exam honar ahe sarvanni study suru kara . Mpsc var time table alay.

R  RITESH Commented On: 20-Jul-2017

sir, I don't have licence but while applying for main I have to say yes because if I say no I can not apply for main. as per add I can submit my licence within 1 year after joining. So can I join if passed. please clarify.

A  AKSHARA Commented On: 03-Jul-2017

I have learning license not permanent license. can I apply for mains.

N  NAVNATH SHINGADE Commented On: 05-May-2017

Is their any classes available in pune for RTO MAINS EXAM

S  SHUBHAM TAKALKAR Commented On: 29-Apr-2017

Current afairs in automobile n mechanical is most imp. Thing for exam point of view or other

A  AMBADAS GOLHAR Commented On: 28-Apr-2017

paper fast load kara

E  ERMAYURRAJE Commented On: 24-Apr-2017

Update for current affairs in engineering

G  GOPAL HARALE Commented On: 18-Apr-2017

Only intelligence test questions are sufficient or quantitative aptitude also needs to prepare for AMVI.

K  KIRAN Commented On: 31-Mar-2017

it is so much useful pls add Mechanical & Automobile questions

S  SHRIKANT KAWADE Commented On: 30-Mar-2017

sir plz add questions of latest trends in mechanical and automobile engineering.

A  AKSHAY JADHAV Commented On: 23-Mar-2017

Please sir suggest book of assistant motor vehicle inspector.

S  SAGAR GAWANDE Commented On: 18-Mar-2017

Sir current affair of mechanical...Is more important so add to prepare this exam

V  VAIBHAV KSHIRSAGAR Commented On: 16-Mar-2017

Please add engineering current affairs

D  DINESH CHAUDHARI Commented On: 15-Mar-2017

Add mechanical questions paper

V  VIKRAM MASAL Commented On: 05-Mar-2017


B  BALAJI SOLAV Commented On: 01-Mar-2017


S  SURAJ POHEKAR Commented On: 26-Feb-2017

Plz suggest book for pre exam of assistant motor vehicle inspector

P  POOJA ANIL PATIL. Commented On: 20-Feb-2017

thanks for test.....can u upload previous year question paper of assistant motor vehicle inspector

P  PRATIK KALE Commented On: 10-Feb-2017

Dear sir please suggest mestudy material& how to prepare Latest trends and technological development in the field of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering

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