Problems on Percentage

1 What is Percentage?

Percentage is an important topic of quantitative aptitude, Percentage is represented by % symbol and it means values per hundred.

Let’s consider following example

40% means 40 out of 100 and mathematically represented as 40/100.

Simple Percentage Calculator
2 Percentage Increase

Percentage increase is calculated when there is increase in initial or base quantity of commodity.

Let’s consider following example

% Increase Calculator
3 Percentage Decrease

Percentage decrease is calculated when there is decrease in initial or base quantity of commodity.

Let’s consider following example

% Decrease Calculator
4 Percentage Increase in Consumption

If price of commodity is decreased X% then to keep expenditure constant consumption is increased. Increase in Expenditure can be calculated using following formula.

Let’s consider following example

% Increase in Consumption Calculator
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